Woodland Savers helps solve the challenges facing communities seeking to own and manage local wild landscapes for the benefit of nature and local people.
We have developed a unique approach which balances local natural heritage and skills with the support of national institutional expertise.
Contact us today to discuss your community land project, or read on for more details on how we work with communities like yours.

Communities have historically suffered disadvantage in land acquisition. Crowdfunding, in the development of which one of our founders, Franny Armstrong, played a pioneering role, has shifted this dynamic for good.
We simplify the process of crowdfunding for you. We’ll help you launch and accomplish a successful crowdfunding campaign, choose the right governance structure, and put your values and those of nature at the heart of a new community land company.
For each project, we call on a network of values-aligned investors and philanthropists to complete the funding commitments needed for a successful bid. Once acquired, we work with local leadership to develop enterprise and land management plans which best serve nature and local people.
Our science and research partners analyse the condition of the land and track the progress of the restoration work. Our team supports the launch of nature-positive revenue streams, which might include visitor activities, produce of the land, and carbon or biodiversity credits. The value we create is aligned with national and international commitments for nature restoration, carbon drawdown, and community resilience.
As the project progresses, we work with each project to report on the improved outcomes for wildlife and people, bolstering the case for further grants or impact investment. Throughout, we serve local characteristics and aspirations, welcoming wherever required national expertise on land management and community business, to help you and your land project to succeed.
Initial meetings take place online or in the landscape. The community shares all the available information about the sale, the land, and people involved, and the goals of the project. Woodland Savers, if it is able to help, responds with a project proposal.
To build momentum, we can help convene the wider community to hear all voices, and to identify common values, purpose, and visions for the project. If a clear common cause is established.
We support the launch and development of a crowdfunding campaign. This starts with local people, but is widened to welcome support from anyone in the UK. We help with language and design materials for the campaign, with local, regional and national media relationships, and social media.
In partnership with the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, we have created the Woodland Savers Match Fund, which doubles local crowdfunding, to agreed limits. Local people also receive a 20% discount on their shares in the land acquired. We then seek, from values-aligned foundations, impact investors and grants, the rest of the capital needed to buy and manage the land through the early stages.
We help negotiate with agents, lawyers, and where appropriate landowners, to find the right level at which to submit the bid.
We help you select and incorporate the right governance structure, with support from our lawyers at Bates Wells and Braithwaite LLP. We offer model articles, embedding social and environmental principles in the heart of the organisation, whichever form it takes.
Once the bid has been accepted, we’ll help you and the project’s lawyers through the conveyancing process until the completion of the acquisition and the registration of the new land title. Woodland Savers, having itself committed a percentage of the capital needed, takes a minority role in your board for at least the first five years, to help the community enterprise from launch to sustainability.
We offer you a template business plan and set of resources to help you get started with the efficient, productive and creative running of your community enterprise. We offer support with the development of any of over 20 nature-positive revenue models, including woodland events and visitor activities, woodland produce, natural capital credits, and even development of a woodland community centre to host revenue-generating activities.
Our forestry-qualified Head of Woodlands works with the community to design and help deliver a woodland management plan based on the history and future of your specific local landscape.
Our scientific, natural capital, and social value partners help each project to map and assess the detailed characteristics of the land acquired. They return at least each year to produce longitudinal assessments of progress across an array of metrics including above and below ground plant and animal biodiversity, soil, water and air quality, and the local social and economic value being developed through the project.
We continue as partners and supporters, offering expertise for any aspect of land or community enterprise management, from ourselves or our partners, for as long as needed. This might be for 5, 10, 15 years or more, according to local preferences and needs.
Once the landscape is measurably on course to restoration and flourishing, subsequent share issues offer the opportunity for investors who helped the initial acquisition to happen to step down, and make their shares available for other local people or supporters more widely to join. Woodland Savers can either hand over at this point or remain if further participation is welcomed locally.
The Woodland Savers toolkit provides community project partners support that goes far beyond woodland ownership and acquisition. Get in touch to talk to one of the team about how we can best support you and your community land project.
- Community engagement and organisation
- Business plan
- Fast response to time-limited land sales
- Revenue generating activities
- Crowdfunding
- Woodland management
- Purchase support
- Impact measurement and reporting
- Legal support
- Facilitating woodland activity
- Banking
- Insurance
Woodland Savers is building a community of fellowship, insight, resources and support, for the long-term protection of nature and communities. It’s not surprising for community groups to sometimes feel overwhelmed by the challenges of buying and managing land. Just as most of us do, when wanting to help address the global climate and nature emergencies.
Woodland Savers is here to help change this overwhelm into practical empowerment: restoring your own local wild landscapes is the most direct way you can help protect nature, sequester carbon, and build local resilience. This is an investment in nature and people, as David Attenborough says, for present and future generations.